Home stretch now, and we have: Three mango-flavored hard candies, and one more lychee one. I’m liking the lychee more the more I try, though the gummy versions are still better. Less like huffing the exhaust vent at a florist. The mango taste like mango, which I can generally take or leave. There’s almost something… Continue reading Advent Calendar, Day 19
Tag: advent calendar 2014
Advent Calendar, Day 18
Ok, this was unexpected and badass: Domo-kun charms! Left to right we’ve got: – beach domo, with safari hat and inner tube – luchadore domo, fuck yeah – bling domo, who’s chain actually has an upside-down cross in a circle – kaiju domo, ready to…well we’ll get to that – satan domo, including pointed tail… Continue reading Advent Calendar, Day 18
Advent Calendar, Day 17
More candy, this time something I’ve tried before: Lychee candy, but in gummy form. The flowery smell isn’t overpowering like the hard candy version.
Advent Calendar, Day 16
SHICHIMI TOGARASHI! It’s a Japanese spice blend we first found at a local izakaya, and goes really well on onigiri. I’m thinking it might also go well on eggs… For the curious, the ingredients: – red pepper – roasted orange peel – black sesame seed – yellow sesame seed – Japanese pepper – seaweed –… Continue reading Advent Calendar, Day 16
Advent Calendar, Day 15
Something not candy! And close up, from the front: It’s a phone charm to keep dust out of the headset port. My phone’s current case already does that, so this is now residing in my iPad.