Advent Calendar

My wife’s Christmas present to me this year is an advent calendar. And apparently there’s a Japanese theme to it. This is the first item, from two days ago. It’s a miniature zen garden. I decided the crane is a kaiju, and it’s destroyed the local temple. Given my stress level at work, I probably… Continue reading Advent Calendar

So much wasted time

Gave up on getting UIScrollView to work in iOS 8 with auto layout. For now, a static-cell UITableView will suffice.

That Syncing Feeling

Yeah, the title’s derivative. It’s Sunday night, I’m tired, and I don’t get dessert ’til I finish this post. Sue me. Working on another app in my free time. Primarily iOS clients to start, but it requires a Rails back-end, which will likely end up a proper web app, given time. The issue du jour,… Continue reading That Syncing Feeling

No reason to get excited.

I just finished Thief (2014) or Thief 4, or Thi4f – however you feel like noting it. I have to wonder – how do games this mediocre get greenlit? How is there so little or so poor oversight that such disjointed storytelling makes it to market? Ugh. Full, spoilery review after the cut.

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