I try not to optimize before profiling, and most times I succeed. This was not one of those times. I’m at the point in this app where the basics are in place, and now it’s time to add the more complicated bits. I know where I want the app to end up, functionality-wise, so I… Continue reading Just one NSFetchedResultsController, thanks.
Tag: NSFetchedResultsController
Manually Reordering Rows across Multiple Sections of an NSFetchedResultsController-backed UITableView
That title is a mouthful…sheesh. But along with the tags on this post, I’m hoping to do some simple SEO and help other devs avoid the headache I just slogged through. If you’re an iOS coder the title pretty much explains this post. NSFetchedResultsController generally makes getting data into a UITableView a snap. So when I… Continue reading Manually Reordering Rows across Multiple Sections of an NSFetchedResultsController-backed UITableView