MOAR POCKY! Same strawberry flavor as before, but thicker.
Tag: advent calendar 2014
Advent Calendar, Day 8
Tomato Pretz – savory pocky! Damn tasty by itself, but I really want to make some bisque or other tomato soup and use these as stirrers.
Advent Calendar, Day 7
This one should be cool: Black pine bonsai! Probably wait on starting this – don’t want it to falter over the holidays. Given my aloes are finally kicking the bucket, this’ll be a nice change.
Advent Calendar, Day 6
Not a lick of Japanese or any non-English text on these. The side of a pack encourages me to “Stay active, eat Hi-Chew!” Tried one of the strawberry ones. A bit like a starburst, but lasts a tad longer.
Advent Calendar, Day 5
Lychee flavored hard candy. Generic fruit taste, with a smell of flowers. The first one was bleh, but I tried another, and could get used to them.