Taking a break from the endless stream of candy, we have: A Japanese vocab cheat sheet! It’s actually a tri-fold, so six pages of words to learn. Honestly, I had no idea the Japanese had so many ways to count things. I knew there were at least two, but this thing mentions: – small round… Continue reading Advent Calendar, Day 12
Author: myrialux
Advent Calendar, Day 11
More candy this time: “Milky Smile”, with a goddamn creepy-looking kid on the front. Small, individually-wrapped white chews. And…they taste like sweetened goat cheese. Damn, DAMN tasty.
Advent Calendar, Day 10
Bonsai tools! Three tools for snipping branches, and a bamboo rake. Not sure exactly where the rake comes in. Maybe cleaning out trimmed bits without touching the plant? I’ll have to read up on it. And yeah, I put all three trimmers between my fingers to become Low-Rent Housing Wolverine.
Advent Calendar, Day 9
MOAR POCKY! Same strawberry flavor as before, but thicker.
Advent Calendar, Day 8
Tomato Pretz – savory pocky! Damn tasty by itself, but I really want to make some bisque or other tomato soup and use these as stirrers.